版画作品《野花》1982年。至今已经过去40年了。这幅作品在1983年“央美全校学生联展”上得了版画类的一等奖(一块儿奖牌+一点奖金)。这是一幅从生活中来的“现实主义”的作品,基本代表了1989年出国之前在北京学习与工作了十年期间头脑的基本状态。那个时候只知道作品要从生活(工厂+农村)中来,其实很荒谬。内心构造才是作品的真正来源——你的知识范围,哪儿都是生活。有意思的是尽管这幅作品得了奖,但是这幅作品在后来从没有参加过任何大小的“美术展览”。 这个意象是来自于一幅真实情况的速写。1981年学校组织学生去河南省新乡县地区“体验生活”,也是毛主席1958年考察那个地区并亲笔题词:人民公社好!
Printmaking work "Wildflowers" 1982. It has been 40 years since then. This piece of art won the first prize in the printmaking category at the "CAFA School-wide Student Joint Exhibition" in 1983 (a medal + a small monetary award). This is a work of "realism" derived from life, essentially representing the fundamental state of mind during the ten years of studying and working in Beijing before going abroad in 1989. At that time, I only knew that artwork should come from life (factories + countryside), which was actually absurd. The internal composition is the true source of the artwork — your scope of knowledge, and life is everywhere. Interestingly, despite winning the award, this artwork has never participated in any exhibitions, big or small, afterwards. This imagery originates from a sketch of a real situation. In 1981, the school organized students to go to Xinxiang County, Henan Province, for a "life experience," which was the same area Chairman Mao visited in 1958 and personally inscribed the words: "People's Communes are good!"